Bacteria Producing Electricity


Human civilization progressed rapidly after the discovery of electricity which then gradually brought human civilization to crawl into the era of technology. Electricity in today's era is an integral part of human life. Everyone knows that electricity is the result of conversion by utilizing natural energy, you may often hear hydroelectricity where water movement is used to turn turbines and then from turbine movement it produces electricity, not just wind water, natural gas, steam is also used as a source of producer electricity, but have you ever heard that electricity can be obtained from bacteria?


The abundant waste of space generated from various human activities can not be separated from the presence of bacteria, perhaps this triggers the emergence of ideas to exploit the harmfulness of bacteria. The scientists of the world managed to find a device that is designed to generate electricity by exploiting the presence of bacteria in nature. This device is termed with MFC or Microbial Full Cell.

The working principle of MFC
Simpel desain MFC
Simpel Desain MFC

The working principle of MFC is by utilizing bacteria as a catalyst to oxidize organic or inorganic materials and create electron flow. MFC is equipped with some basic components to produce electric current.

The basic components are electrode pairs namely anodes and cathodes, membrane exchange of protons and electrical components ie resistors. The bacteria are placed on the anode portion later via an oxidation reaction that degrades the substrate used and produces the ions. The presence of ions on the anode causes a potential difference that produces a voltage which creates an electron flow from a high potential ie anode to the cathode. This is what we call electrical current.

Currently in its development MFC has been able to generate power that can be used to turn on electronic products such as mobile phones and laptops. Although the power generated from the MFC is currently relatively small and not yet qualified as an alternative to primary energy generation but it is undeniable that MFC will continue to grow and become one of the main power tools.

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