facts about living Water


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu..

Water that every day we consume live and can respond to all the language that people say. This is known through research conducted by Prof. Dr. Masaru Emoto is a researcher from Hado Institute in Tokyo, Japan. By using Prof. electron microscope Dr. Masaru Emoto

observed the molecular changes in water after a given stimulus of speech. The change in water molecules varies depending on the type of spoken word. Words that are Negative like bad words will be in the water response with molecular changes into strange shapes.

Different results are seen in water molecules when the spoken words are good words such as prayer.

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Not only can he hear, through the same research also known that water can see. It was concluded through experiments by showing water to water. Good and bad writing respond to water with different molecular changes depending on the type of writing placed on it. Writings of good words will cultivate beautiful molecules like crystals whereas bad words of writing will be met with a strange molecular form.

For non-islam this phenomenon is certainly an amazing discovery and refutes the assumption so long that water is an inanimate object. But for us Muslims of this research is not surprising but only a side fact to explain the method of water ruqyah practiced by Prophet Muhammad Sallallau Alaihi Wasallam. The fact that was published in 2003 was already known even applied in the apostolic age of Prophet Muhammad SAW alaihi wasallam and when talking about the amazing thing, this is something that can be said amazing because at that time have not found an electron microscope.

Hopefully this can further strengthen our faith, because in fact the religion of Islam is the religion of rahmmatan lil 'alamin and there is no glory apart from Islam.

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