how to properly overcome wet mobile phone

Characteristics of water that can conduct electrical current and its liquid nature make water and electronics devices, especially for electronic devices with PCBs such as mobile phones and laptops cannot be reconciled. Our focus this time not to the point about the relationship between water and mobile phones that cannot be together but we focus on how if water and mobile phone managed to unite.

Of course the answer would be our mobile phone or smartphone will be damaged in the resulting short circuit due to the electric current that spreads not directed because of the additional conductor in the form of water. But did you know that with the right initial step or we call the first proper help can save your smartphone from damage.

Well, what are the steps? following the first aid steps you can take

1.     first is do not panic as lightly lift your smartphone from the water.
2. In some cases depending on the amount of liquid entering there are two states when your smartphone is exposed to water that is:

     Mobile is off. In this condition do not try to turn on the smartphone and also do not press the button .If the smartphone is still alive after exposure to water immediately turn off by unplugging the battery. Remember to turn off by unplugging the batteries do not turn off by pressing the power button because it will trigger the kosleting becomes more severe.

     3. Not casing if any, open battery sd card and also sim card

    4. Next do the physical grinding by using tissues or other materials that can absorb water
     Remember if you do not have experience in the electronic world before do not try to open your smartphone further such as by opening the bolt especially if your smartphone is still in the wartime warranty from the store because the smartphone warranty comes with a kind of sensor damage indicator that can detect whether the previous smartphone has been dismantled or not. Do not get the warranty scorched because of this

    5. Next is the drying process, you can do by inserting smartphone and batteries into place of rice storage. This may sound traditional rada-rada but rice proved to have a constant and dry temperture.

     6. Let stand for at least 3 days, enough to be patient during the time of 3 days do not try to turn on your smatrphone.

     7. Lastly after three days try to turn it on and do not forget to pray, because relying on yourself alone is a naivete.

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